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Pink October : Let's talk about breast health, ladies !

Octobre Rose : Parlons de la santé de vos seins Mesdames ! - You&Milk

- Updated on Jul 25, 2024

Summary :

    Article written by the You&Milk team



    Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here.

    It's so important for us to tackle this subject here, because it can affect us all, in one way or another. Whether it's you, a family member, a friend...

    So the best thing you can do is to keep yourself and those around you informed.

    Today, we're going to explain why it's important to see a doctor or midwife at least once a year, and from the age of 50, to consider screening.


    Breast cancer is :

    60,000 new cases every year
    80% of cancers appear after the age of 50
    90% chance of being treated more easily if detected as early as possible!


    3 things you need to know about breast cancer

    • Self-monitoring and self-calpation are recommended, but they should not replace a medical examination or mammogram!
    • If you notice an abnormal sign in your breast, pain or a symptom, do not wait to tell your doctor, gynaecologist or midwife!
    • I'm repeating myself: the earlier your cancer is detected, the greater your chances of recovery!

    It all starts with the first step towards a brighter future!


    Can you imagine?

    In France, more than 1.3 million women aged between 50 and 74 have never been screened for breast cancer.

    You're probably thinking "How can this be?

    There are several reasons for this:

    • Lack of symptoms
    • Fear of pain
    • Fear of diagnosis
    • Lack of information


    Reminder: Regular screening makes it possible to diagnose this cancer early, which can increase your chances of recovery.

    Do not hesitate to share this article with your friends and family, whatever their age or identity.

    And do not hesitate to support women facing this disease by making a donation on the Ligue contre le Cancer website.

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