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Welcome to the program Breastfeedélité


Hello, you are now part of the big faMILKY !
This is YOUR home, make yourself comfortable, we'll explain everything to you...

Thanks to your orders, you can enjoy our Breastfeed program.

A program designed to thank and reward you for your loyalty and love of your favourite breastfeeding brand 💛

This program is there to strengthen the bond between us, to show you how much you mean to us and how much we want to spoil you !

How does it work?

To climb the ladder 🙌😍

1€ = 1 point
It's as simple as that 😊 👋🏼 !

A programme built on 4
levels and rewards

Refer your best friends and family!
100 points offered for the referrer
7€ offered for the referrer friend

Who can benefit from the program?

In order to validate your registration to the Breastfeedélité program, here are the steps to complete (we assure you, it's suuuuper simple and fast)

🌈 Be a member of You&Milk
🌈 Be registered to the Newslait'her
🌈 Give milk with ❤️
🌈 Celebrating your Family and Love every day
🌈 Sharing your milky adventure with us, we love to read and share with you, our beloved community

To become a sponsor of our great referral program, you need to...
☀️ Be a member of You&Milk
☀️ Have already placed an order
☀️ Send the referral link to someone who does not yet have a You&Milk account

Pssst: the more points you accumulate, the more exclusive offers and discounts you will get on your next orders...

Rewards and benefits

Our breastfeedélité program is very simple to understand!It is composed of 4 levels:

To know the details of the rewards by level, it is very simple, refer to this table:

Psttt, a little trick 🤫 to earn even more points and make yourself happy on Shop Milk:

Register your birthday
and receive 100pts ! 🥳

Refer your best friends and family!
100 points offered for the referrer
7€ offered for the referrer friend

Discover the other benefits of our Breastfeedélité program :

And... This is just the beginning! 😍

Frequently asked questions : Loyalty program

If you are not yet a member, please create an account here!

On computer: An icon allows you to create an account or log in.

On mobile: The icon can be found in the side menu.

If you already have a You&Milk account, simply log in and turn your earned points into credit to spend on the Shop Milk site.

These points will be visible via the panel at the bottom of your screen

At the bottom of your screen, there is an icon 🎁 that allows you to open the loyalty program panel.

Here you will see various information, including the rewards available to you along with the amount of points you currently have 👀

Select the reward you wish to obtain, you will then receive a discount code via email and on this same panel.​

At the time of purchase, just before entering your personal information to validate your order, insert the code in the field "Enter a promotional code".

⚠️ Don't forget to click on "Apply" for the discount to be applied / implemented on your basket.

Your points and purchase credits have a limited duration of one year ⏰

If you receive a partial or full refund for your order, the points earned for that purchase will also be cancelled.

At the bottom of your screen, there is an icon that allows you to open the loyalty program panel.​

Here you will find various information, including how to earn points. Click on the Birthday reward and enter your date of birth. 🎂

⚠️ FYI, you receive your birthday points on your birthday... We told you it was simple! 🎁🥳

When you enter your birthday, you will not receive your "Happy Birthday 🎂" points immediately.

​In fact, you will receive your points on your birthday! 🎁 🥳 Simple, basic right? 🤓

⚠️ You should also be aware that the system will not generate your points if the date you enter is within the next 30 days.

It is quite possible to change the birthday 🙈

⚠️ For your information, you receive your birthday points on your birthday... We told you it was simple! 🎁🥳

Don't worry about that, faMILKy has thought of everything! 🤗​

At the launch of the Breastfeedélité programme, anyone with a You&MIlk account who has placed an order in the last 365 days (from 06/07/2021) has received the points retroactively 🤩 !

It is not possible to merge an account, as the email addresses allow our provider Smile to identify the members of the loyalty program.

However, we invite you to contact us at hello@youandmilk.com, so that we can transfer the points from one account to the other!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to combine different coupon codes on the same order.

Cela est un comportement normal d’un navigateur, l'affichage de votre compte est encore en cache sur votre ordinateur / téléphone. Deux solutions s’offrent à vous : 

  • vider le cache de votre navigateur, 
  • vous connecter sur un nouvel onglet en navigation privée

Le tour est joué ! Vous pourrez prendre connaissance de vos points obtenus :)

Frequently asked questions : Referral program

The principle is simple, it happens in 4 steps 🤓

Step 1
From the "Breastfeedélité" panel/popup (bottom right of the screen) the godmother (or godfather 😍) retrieves her unique referral link and sends it to her future goddaughter(s) via Facebook, Twitter, or email

Step 2
The referred person will receive a sponsorship e-mail inviting him/her to enter his/her e-mail address in the Referral a Friend section of the You&Milk website 💌

Step 3
The referred person will then receive a personal code that he/she will enter when placing a future order in the "Enter a promotional code" field at the shopping cart stage 🛒

Step 4
The Godmother / Godfather then receives his/her point credit 🎰 corresponding to the validation of his/her godchild's first order

There you go! 2 new happy people 🤗😍

It's very simple, you just need to have a You&Milk account and share the link available in the "Breastfeedélité" panel/pop-up to your family or friends who don't have a You&Milk account yet! 🤗

You can recommend your friends, family or anyone who doesn't yet have a You&Milk account with us! 😍

As many as you like! There is no limit to the number of referrals you can have!

Give milk with love without moderation to your loved ones 🥰

The reward will be sent to you once your friend's order is placed! 🎁

At the time of purchase, just before entering your personal details to validate your order, insert the code in the "Enter a promotional code" field.

faMILKy answers (almost 😁) all your questions from Monday to Friday by email at hello@youandmilk.com !