
La recette d'un merveilleux allaitement en neonatologie

The recipe for wonderful breastfeeding in neonatology

In this circumstance, the birth was trying for the mother and when she decides to start breastfeeding, the first breastfeeding after birth is not always possible and the mother is inevitably morally and physically exhausted. Childcare nurses must provide unfailing support and accompany mom as soon as possible to encourage breastfeeding. Just like the personal entourage that the childcare worker will also support.
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La sucette de bébé : alliée ou pas ?

Baby's soothers: ally or not?

Baby's soothers

Praised by some parents , blamed by others... It is certain that the baby soothers continues to cause debate! If it allows, among other things, to satisfy the child's need for sucking ; it is also pointed out for the inconvenience it can cause. Several studies have also looked at the impact it can have on breastfeeding . Here I tell you what you need to know about baby soothers!

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Retour au travail et allaitement : Continuer ou arrêter ?

Back to work and breastfeeding: Continue or stop?

The only problem with deciding to breastfeed and work is that there quite no support and a lack of available information.

Selma tells us what worked for her, who has now been back from maternity leave for 2 months and continuing the breastfeeding adventure with her daughter.
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Octobre Rose : Parlons de la santé de vos seins Mesdames !

Pink October : Let's talk about breast health, ladies !

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here.

It's so important for us to tackle this subject here, because it can affect us all, in one way or another. Whether it's you, a family member, a friend...

So the best thing you can do is to keep yourself and those around you informed.

Today, we're going to explain why it's important to see a doctor or midwife at least once a year, and from the age of 50, to consider screening.
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Sommeil et allaitement - Besoin de conseils et d'encouragement ?

Sleep and breastfeeding - Need advice and encouragement?

That the nursing mother who has never heard “ it's because you breastfeed him that he wakes up at night. ", raise your hand.
This phrase illustrates so well the power of misconceptions around breastfeeding . We are going to try to put this sentence in parentheses for a few minutes to observe what is the link between sleep and breastfeeding.
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Les soins d'hygiène du tout petit

Hygiene care for toddlers

Hygiene care for toddlers
Vast subject, which in my opinion, is not sufficiently explained before birth. I receive many testimonials from parents who feel a little lost or even helpless in the face of their new missions.
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Isolement pendant le Post-Partum ? Et si on créait notre village ?

Isolation in the Post-Partum Period ? What if we created our village ?

The post-partum period, a little-known and little-talked-about period, but one that's beginning to be talked about! It's important to me to address this period when preparing for childbirth, because it too deserves to be prepared, thought through and anticipated. It's a subject we don't talk much about before the birth, but many mothers feel a sense of loneliness after the birth.
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La rééducation du post-partum : 5 questions à une kinésithérapeute

Postpartum rehabilitation: 5 questions to a physiotherapist

You've just had a baby, carried it and felt it growing inside you. Your body, that fabulous "machine" capable of creating and giving life, has been working hard over the last few months. Now it needs a rest, of course, but you still have a little extra work to do to restore it to its former tone. Here are the 5 questions you should ask a physiotherapist.
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Être maman, ça s'apprend !

You have to learn to be a mother!

Becoming a mother, and perceiving oneself as such, involves a great deal of psychological work. Motherhood is a period of identity crisis and maturation, which reactivates childhood experiences, primary anxieties and original fantasies in a particularly vivid way.
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Les crevasses : on s'en débarrasse !

Crevasse: get rid of them !

Cracks! This simple word is often enough to frighten mothers or mothers-to-be who want to breastfeed or who are in the process of breastfeeding. It's a subject that comes up very often in the pre- and post-natal discussions I have with mums. Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt.
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Huiles essentielles pendant la grossesse, l’allaitement, et le jour de votre accouchement !

Essential oils during pregnancy, breastfeeding and on the day of your delivery!

I can already imagine the wide eyes of some women reading the title of this article and thinking that essential oils were forbidden for children and pregnant women! Essential oils are concentrated, powerful and highly effective essences, and if you're a mother-to-be or a young mother (whether breast-feeding or not), you should take them with you.
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Touuuus les précieux tips de ma seconde grossesse

All the valuable tips from my second pregnancy

A huge number of you have been following my pregnancy since we announced it on social networks in April 2020, and just as many have asked me to share all my mum-to-be tips with you! So it's with great pleasure that I give myself away here today... This is a personal article, and every mum is free to pick and choose what she thinks is relevant and useful for her.
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Le projet de l'après, le quatrième trimestre

The "after project", the fourth trimester

The famous birth plan... You know, that plan that everyone's talking about, that's gradually making its way into the circle of pregnant women, and even fathers, who are asked by the midwife during consultations in the last trimester of pregnancy: "So, have you prepared your birth plan?
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Démarrer son allaitement sereinement (et avec le sourire) ? Oui c'est possible !

Can you start breastfeeding with peace of mind (and a smile)? Yes, it's possible!

Because breastfeeding is a unique, deeply moving, intimate and extraordinary experience.
Because breastfeeding transforms a mother and will forever be engraved in her life as a woman...
Whether it seems like an obvious choice or not, breastfeeding is often a source of questions and even anxiety for mothers-to-be. Aurélie Hardy, a naturopath specialising in perinatal care, takes a look at the issues, from the real doubts to the false beliefs.
Aurélie helps expectant and new mothers before, during and after pregnancy.

There's no fuss here, just a straightforward approach to the subject!
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Dis, on mange quoi pendant l'Allaitement ?

Say, what do we eat during breastfeeding?

Food during breastfeeding... a subject that's full of questions for young mums! Coralie Costi, a nutritionist in Paris (6th arrondissement), will shed some light on the subject! Each of us approaches breastfeeding in our own way, but if there's one thing that all mums, whether breastfeeding or not, have in common, it's wanting the best for their child.
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Cohabilactation, co-breastfeeding or co-feeding, whatever you want to call it. Discover Marie's incredible adventure of co-breastfeeding with her children.
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"L’ Allaitement, sans savoir avant"

"Breastfeeding, without knowing beforehand"

"Breastfeeding, without knowing beforehand"... This sentence alone could sum up the way in which there was, in my life as a woman and as a mother, a before, but above all, an after.
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