Birth of You&Milk
The milky Adventure with a capital A
This adventure is first and foremost that of our faMILKy, who was born with our little Thelma, who arrived like sunshine in 2018, joined by our sweet and strong mini Andréa two years later. And finally our third treasure, Marin, who arrived as a matter of course in June 2023.
Carried by Edouard, my "binhomme".
But before I tell you what made us want to create a brand that really reflects the way you breastfeed, I'd like to share a few secrets with you...

Breastfeeding came by surprise!
I often like to say that breastfeeding came and got me, and it's so true! I didn't even think about breastfeeding Thelma when I was carrying her inside me, but now I see her clinging to my breast during our welcome feed, and clinging to my tank top a little later, with her eyes full of love and mischief!
At first I was apprehensive about breastfeeding, I cried a bit, then I hung in there, I liked it, no, I loved it, and I've never wanted to do without. To experience more than two years of milky adventure with Thelma! If someone had told me that a few years ago, I'd never have believed them (which just goes to show that motherhood is all about saying "never again", if you know what I mean).
Andréa, whom I was sure I wanted to breastfeed like her big sister, and whom I had to support in her first weeks of life with a breast pump. Her prematurity and health complications meant that we didn't have a smooth and simple start to our breastfeeding adventure. But no matter, we hung in there as a family. We didn't give up and I can tell you that I was dreading that first feed for fear that our little girl wouldn't "make it"... but what strength Andréa had, what willpower our little girl had! We've made it and our milk adventure is just beginning!
And our sweet Marin, with whom breastfeeding immediately fell into place in a very fluid, obvious way, as if I could trust myself, let go and not ask myself any more questions!
Three breastfeedings so different, so singular. All equally beautiful and powerful.
It was during the summer of 2018, when Thelma was barely a month old, on our first holiday for 3, that I realised that no, I couldn't find anything that suited me in this breastfeeding clothes offer.
Fast fashion, very little for me. Basic T-shirts, yes, but what else? I discovered a very limited breastfeeding wardrobe, not very fashionable, and above all not in keeping with my inveterate taste for a wardrobe that was both original and practical, casual and feminine.Breastfeeding freely, without ever compromising on style and practicality, was what I was looking for, without finding it! I didn't want to choose between wearing the essential tops I love and breastfeeding. And after all, why choose when you can have it all! No ?!
Breastfeeding clothes : finally something different !
I've always been a great lover of fashion, trends and strong, original pieces, but when I started breastfeeding and saw what was on the market for breastfeeding women, I quickly became disillusioned! The idea was to find a top that was both timeless, a bit like the essential piece you want to have in your wardrobe, and easy to wear for breastfeeding, in all circumstances, without being too sophisticated.
It can't be said often enough that breastfeeding means being serene, having confidence in yourself and your baby, eating well, drinking plenty of water, resting (ouch!), and being well surrounded and reassured on a daily basis, in your close and emotional circle.
But successful breastfeeding also means feeling good about yourself and your clothes.
Having spoken at length with my friends and a huge number of young mothers, I quickly realised that many of them already had the feeling of "not going through with their breastfeeding project as they had promised themselves", but that to this was added the weight of their reflection in the mirror: wearing clothes that were certainly comfortable, but often unflattering for their figure, a figure that they were already trying to reappropriate after the arrival of baby.
Breastfeeding and getting dressed easily while loving your clothes - I wanted to make that possible with You & Milk! And I'd even go so far as to say that it's highly recommended if you want to enjoy this magical time of your life to the full. It should even be reimbursed by health insurance (we're working on it haha!).
Be proud to give your best to your little baby, to do so for a few minutes, a few hours, a few weeks, a few months, even more! ♡

Enjoy breastfeeding simply, freely and, above all, without judgement!
Having been supported and coached (because breastfeeding isn't always a smooth ride) by the father of our 3 children, by those close to me, having been accompanied and relieved when I needed to be, has enabled me to savour these intense moments of motherhood in a way I could never have imagined. And if, through our breastfeeding clothes, you feel like a woman, a mother, and at ease in your own skin, then we've succeeded in the greatest of bets!
Milk with love ♡
Aurélie & faMILKy